You Can Now Have Your Dragon Age Decisions (& Mistakes) On Your Wall

I swear, every time BioWare comes out with something new I make a sound that only dogs can hear. You can now log into the Dragon Age Keep, where you record all the decisions you’ve made from all the games, and PRINT THEM OUT. BioWare has partnered with CanvasPop for this and good golly they look gorgeous.

Yes, you can now have a poster/canvas/MURAL of all your decisions in the beautiful Dragon Age Keep artwork. You have the choice between all your games being shown, or just one or two. You also have the choice between a canvas print or a framed paper print. Just log in to The Keep, load in your chosen world states, and then click Print. There’s also a helpful tutorial when you log in now.

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I went through a did this, curious as to the process and the price. Also it’s funny to see how much MAGE TRASH I am. Look, I wish I could use magic. So I will always play a mage as my canon whatever. If you’re curious, here are my canon world states.

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I clearly have a thing for suffering blondes as well…

So I clicked print to see what was up and my full timeline came into view.

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It’s quite neat to see it all laid out like that. Now, once you get to CanvasPopyou can move things around, choose different images to represent various things, etc. The possibilities are endless and there’s numerous layouts to choose from. The cheapest I could manage was $88 (ouch). Then again, I didn’t think this would be cheap anyways. At least we know the images will be hi-res and beautiful, but I’m interested to see how these turn out to whoever orders them!

In the meantime, I’ll go cry over my bank account.

Disney’s Princesses With A Korean Twist


Nayoung Wooh aka Obsidian is a professional illustrator in South Korea who has taken some of Disney’s most famous iterations of fairy tales and given them an historical Korean twist. Gone are the European gowns and seashells and instead these beautiful pieces have the well-known heroines in delicate hanboks.

I love it when artists take well known “western” media and make it their own, and when I came across these images I immediately fell in love. They transfer so effortlessly.

aliceinwonderlandYou all known I’m a huge lover of Korea. I wrote late last year how I was debating moving there and I gushed about my adoration of Korean dramas as well. So I’m particularly taken with these illustrations. South Korea, despite it’s modernity and being a leader in technology, is very proud of its tradition and history. Historical dramas are incredibly popular (and you can find a great list of some to watch here), and it seems that a favorite past time is dressing “modern” characters in historical clothes. It’s a nice touch that I, as an American, don’t get to experience with my own culture. I just love these.

Continue reading Disney’s Princesses With A Korean Twist